St. Bonaventure students outside of Avila, Spain, where medieval walls surround the city. 学生们参与了西班牙的学习、生活和旅行体验.

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Competency in a foreign language is one of the hallmarks of the liberally educated person. 世界语言与文化研究系提供:


Studying a second or third language allows the individual to communicate with people of foreign countries on their own terms and to gain firsthand, 正宗的外国文化知识通过允许 进入他们的表达和思想世界.

The study of another language not only opens up a foreign culture for students and gives them an acquaintance with an unfamiliar set of language conventions and forms, it also provides a contrast against which their own cultural and linguistic conventions 能被感知和更好地理解吗.

We live in an age in which the effective interaction with foreign nations is essential not only for economic prosperity, 也是为了共同生存. 因此,这是非常重要的 that students gain the skills and knowledge necessary to deal successfully with nations of differing cultural heritages.

The study of foreign language is a crucial step toward the establishment of positive lines of communication among the world’s nations.

在圣. Bonaventure,都是艺术学院的毕业生 & Sciences, Communication and Education must satisfy a foreign language requirement.


St. Bonaventure professors helped Ian Rogers find his academic niche: Spanish language and literature.


专业 and non-majors in modern languages receive a grounding in the fundamental skills of the languages: speaking, 听力理解, 人文课程中的阅读和写作. 也特别强调外国的日常文化.

除了, 西班牙语专业的学生选修会话和写作方面的高级课程, 文学和全学期的文化与文明课程. Non-majors are also free to enroll in the more advanced courses if their language background warrants it.

此外, the department counsels students on career opportunities in conjunction with the university's Career and Professional Readiness Center, 与教育学院合作培养外语教师, 并为希望出国留学的学生提供有效的安置计划.



圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉加利西亚西班牙- 2019
学生全球网赌十大网站 在加利西亚的圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉 2019年在西班牙萨拉曼卡参加为期五周的西班牙语浸入式课程.

World language majors are strongly encouraged to spend a semester or year overseas. St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 oversees study opportunities in non-English speaking environments:

  • 西班牙语学习项目, liberal arts and business at the International Institute in Seville and the University of Seville is available.
  • 意大利也有一个类似的项目,适合符合条件的学生. 节目地点在罗马、佛罗伦萨和威尼斯. 
  • 在法国有三个地点, 阿维尼翁, 土伦和普罗旺斯艾克斯, 为学生提供沉浸式语言选择, 商业课程或文科课程.
  • 在西班牙萨拉曼卡提供一个短期海外学习项目.

这些课程也提供给非专业学生. 了解更多有关 留学项目.

  • 全球网赌十大网站、出版物 & 研究